Here are some helpful SERVICES that we offer for citizens re-entering the community. Please check back often as details may change. If you know of a resource or want your organization to collaborate on a service, please contact our office.
Continuing your education can increase your employment opportunities. From certification courses to a degree program, our educational resources can help you increase your skillset.
Are you good at something and want to turn it into a career? Take the WorkKeys test. This test helps you find your skillset and obtain a job that you’re qualified for.
Need a job or a chance to obtain a lifelong career? Take the TABE & HiSET Test. The TABE test allows a person to understand their skill level so that they can successful achieve their goals. The HiSET Test (formally known as GED) allows a person to obtain the same credentials as someone with a Highschool Diploma. Further your education today!
There are employers looking to provide reentering citizens with a second chance. There are a variety of jobs from kitchen staff to truck drivers! We not only help you get a job, but also a career that’ll aid you and your family
Prepared to work and make money? Join our workshop. Learn about resume writing, how to handle job conflicts, learn a trade, etc.
In life you may experience anything from a scratch to a broken leg. Even during these unprecedented times, you can never be too careful. Therefore set an appointment with us and we can help you get the health insurance you need.
Experiencing mental health issues? Or need life advice? We offer bi-monthly group counseling with a licensed counselor.
We understand that finding housing after incarceration is vital to the decrease recidivism rate in our community. Therefore, we assist justice-involved individuals in their search for housing.
To take advantage or learn more about the services we offer, contact us!